Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Activity 2.1 Habits vs. Free Will (Pie chart)

I attempted to create a legend for my pie chart and was hoping to just have two colors representing either habit or free will. No such luck on two colors and the legend is relatively brief. Below is a description for each category along with the pie chart link.

Habits comprise 12% and Free Will 88%.

Numbers 1-3 which include:
Hygiene Rituals 4% (basic morning and night behaviors that I refer to as toiletries)
Driving 4% (to and from work, roughly 15 minutes each way, and my memory is rather fuzzy on some trips)
Office Prep 4% (when I arrive at work and leave I have certain behavioral patterns such as turning on/off the lights, turning on/off the computer, gather my class folder, clicker, water or tea etc...)

Free Will
Numbers 4-11 which include:
Interacting w/Tech Devices 19%-20%, my 2nd largest category (checking email, Facebook, computer programs, iPad apps, and ds/pc games. This group may be more than what I allotted to be honest but it mainly depends on how much free time I have so I averaged it for the week.)
Eating 8% (I included preparing food as well but generally that's just dinner, we do eat out too, I usually eat leftovers for lunch and breakfast is a quick grab at home.)
Runs 4% (I started running back in December and try to get in a 2-3 mile run usually four or five days a week)
Making the Bed 2% (I think this particular behavior is more expectation driven which I'll explain below.)
Dressing 4% (I didn't really think about how much time I spent getting ready or changing clothes until this assignment. I don't think it's too terribly much in comparison to some individuals but it's more than my husband for sure.)
Teaching 40%, my largest category (on average I teach about 4 hours a day Mon-Thur and Fri is my admin day where I do way too much grading.)
House Chores 8% (typical chores such as dishes, laundry, dusting, floors, bathroom, etc... This is another area I think of more as expectations than free will, because honestly I would love to NOT choose to clean the bathroom.)
Other Activities (weekend) 15% (we generally don't have set things on the weekends it's sort of whatever suits our fancy or needs to get done such as errands, grocery shopping, or yard work and we both usually participate in this.)

Expectations (these could be either gender or childhood related)
For me it seems as though house chores and making the bed (this doesn't feel like a chore to me really) are more expectation driven. I was expected as a child to make my bed every morning, when I was in my 20's I rebelled against this and hardly ever made my bed, but in my 30's this behavior came back around but not as a habit really and I also don't put much thought into it before I do it. As for the house chores yes it was expected that I do chores while growing up but I noticed the list of items expand significantly when I became a young adult and even more so when I became a homeowner. Even though I'm used to doing house chores myself since I lived by myself for many years, I noticed a shift when distributing the chores when my husband and I moved in together. This is where I think a gender expectation arose which is interesting to me. I tend to gravitate towards the chores that one would categorize a woman doing whereas my partner does ones that could be described as more masculine.
To be honest, I do most of the house chores and that's mainly because my level of cleanliness is higher than my partners and we worked out an arrangement that I'm satisfied with (I do the chores when I feel the need to do them and he helps out when I ask him).

Pie Chart Link

My ChartGo Graph


  1. Hi Tori - so can you assign in your post above a percentage to your two major (habit and free will) categories?

  2. Sure can! My 3 habit categories look to be the same at 4%, which makes sense based off the 16 hour day I was working off of. My two largest categories in free will were teaching at 40% and interacting with devices at roughly 20% (no surprise on that one).

  3. Ok, can you do the math for us into these two larger categories? I'd like to compare across individuals.

  4. Eventually I'll get what you originally asked in the first comment, my apologies. Habits comprise 12% and Free Will 88%.
