Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Group/Class Meeting for 6/18

One of the things I really like about group discussion is that I’m able to get different (or similar) perspectives on various topics. As I was absorbing all of the information related to this week’s module on Behaviorism I found myself caught between wanting to drink all of it up like cold water on a hot day, or to analyze and ponder it before consumption. Quite frankly my mind was being blown on a continuous basis, with each chapter, article, and video I was exposed to.  It was nice to be able to chat with others about different themes and discussion points. We talked at great length about whether our behaviors are automatic and what environmental or cultural influences are at play. Also regarding whether conditioning was manipulative, which we ended up deciding that ‘modification’ was a more appropriate term, and would it matter if the subject knew about said manipulation (would it then still be manipulation). We were able to discuss, somewhat in depth, all of the questions posed by Dr. Usher. The main benefit for me was that I was able to make connections with things that I was unsure of or questioning earlier on in the week. My group members provided several different examples and scenarios that helped them understand things more fully, which in turn helped me to do as well. Although I still feel a bit overwhelmed by all things Behavioristic (is that even a word?), I don’t feel alone and I’m ready to tackle Constructivism. Bring it on!!!!

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